October 6th, 2022

Sebastian Novin


4 Examples of Ad Variations

Creating a winning Ad is an iterative process that is directly connected to the number of tests that you can perform. In the world of Ad creatives, the slightest change can dramatically increase performance.

Below can see 4 Ad variations that were generated for the same creative angle.

Original ad edit

Variation 1 - Changing hook's copy

Copy is super powerful in your creative, so you should experiment with as many as possible for each angle..

Changing hook's copy

Variation 2 - Changing hook video scenes

The First 1-2 seconds of ads are extremely important as they make or break your ad in terms of viewer attention. Look for interesting, eye-candy video scenes that intrigue attention.

Changing hook video scenes

Variation 3 - Changing scenes after the hook

You always want to test the entire video, changing clips after the initial hook scene will help you to see where performance drops, by paying attention to watch times.

Changing scenes after the hook

At the end of the day Ad are all about creative testing. Apply the principles from above to get winning Ads! 🔥

Kreativ Motor for eCom Merker

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New York, New York 10003

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