April 3rd, 2020

Urban Cvek


Earn by creating branded Photos and Videos without posting to your Instagram

We’re excited to launch a new way of collaborating with brands. Brands nowadays are in constant need of fresh content for their advertising and social media channels. Since you are a master content creator we think there is a big opportunity for you to collaborate with brands in a new way.

That’s why we created a new type of collaborations that enable you to create Photos and Videos for brands without posting anything your Instagram.

Why will you love Content Creation collaborations?

As an influencer, you can do a limited amount of collaborations per month. Too much promotion and you might lose your followers' attention. Content creation collaborations will enable you to collaborate with more brands while keeping your Instagram credible. 

How much should I charge for Photos & Videos?

Since content creation doesn’t require you to distribute content to your Instagram followers but requires you only to upload content to Influee we don't suggest setting prices based on the number of followers but charge brands only for photos and videos. 

If you have any doubts about what would be an appropriate price for your content you can get in touch with our in-app customer support; they will happy to assist.

We hope you're as excited about Content Creation as we are.

Stay safe!

Influee Team