December 20th, 2023
Katja Orel
User generated content (UGC) er blevet et mægtigt værktøj for mærker til at oprette forbindelse med deres publikum på et mere autentisk niveau. Det er dog afgørende for UGC-kampagners succes at give creators et klart og omfattende manuskript. I de fleste tilfælde er dårlige kreative resultater en konsekvens af utilstrækkelige oplysninger i kampagnens manuskript.
I dette blogindlæg vil vi udforske elementerne i et perfekt manuskript, give dig nogle af de bedste praksisser og eksempler og fremhæve vigtigheden af hver enkelt i indholdsoprettelsesprocessen.
Hvis du ønsker at skrive et manuskript i topklasse, skræddersyet til dit mærke og produkt med Magic Script Generator (en AI-skript wrtier, specielt til UGC Ads), er det gratis at bruge.
Generer GRATIS 💯 UGC script til dit mærke og produkt.
Script inkluderer filmningsinstruktioner for UGC creator Danmark. Manuskriptet skal skrives scene-for-scene for at formidle nødvendige oplysninger på en kortfattet måde. Hver scene skal indeholde relevante instruktioner for skaberen, såsom krogen, instruktionerne til hoveddelen af manuskriptet (hovedoptagelserne, talepunkterne og B-roll optagelserne) samt en opfordring til handling (CTA).
Den første scene i et manuskript starter med en Hook (krog). Krogen er det opmærksomhedsfangende element i manuskriptet, der fanger seernes interesse fra starten. Det kunne være et intrigerende spørgsmål, et fangende visuelt element eller en overbevisende udtalelse. En stærk hook er essentiel, da den hjælper dit UGC-indhold til at skille sig ud og driver seere til at tage handling.
Scene #1
Stop scrolling!
Creator talking to the camera while wearing the product
Scene #2
If you want a great gift idea for your outdoor loving friends
Creator talking to the camera
Hoveddelen af manuskriptet formidler nøglebeskederne og involverer storytelling-elementer. Denne del af UGC-manuskriptet er essentiel, og ideelt set bør du bruge noget tid på at tænke den igennem og skrive instruktioner ned til den. Hoveddelen af manuskriptet består af:
🗣️ Talking points (Talepunkter)
🎥 Main footage (Hovedoptagelser)
🎬 B-roll shots
⚠️ Husk; de bedste eksempler er opdelt scene-for-scene for at undgå misforståelser.
Scene #3
This is the everyday UV protection sun hat from outdoors tribe and I literally got one for all of my besties this year
Creator talking to the camera
- Close up shot of creator holding the product
- Flat lay shot of the product
Scene #4
It’s seriously so adorable and gets the job done
Creator talking to the camera wearing the product
Scene #5
On protecting you from the sun’s harmful UV rays with this super wide rim.
Creator talking to the camera
- Close up shot of creator head wearing the hat
Scene #6
It’s even adjustable, machine washable, and has this ponytail slot so you can literally wear it with any style
Creator talking to the camera
- Creator showcasing the product
En klart defineret opfordring til handling dirigerer seere mod den ønskede handling. Uanset om det er at opmuntre dem til at besøge en hjemmeside, foretage et køb eller dele indholdet med andre, sikrer en klar CTA, at dit UGC er i overensstemmelse med dine marketingmål.
Scene #7
Grab one for all you friends this season now at
Creator talking to the camera
- Creator wearing the product
Kreative eksempler fungerer som en kilde til inspiration og vejledning for creators. Ved at dele eksempler på indhold, der er i overensstemmelse med dit mærkes stil og målsætninger, giver du et klart referencepunkt for det ønskede look og den overordnede stemning af videoen, som du ønsker at modtage fra en creator.
Scene #1
Stop scrolling!
Creator talking to the camera while wearing the product
Scene #2
If you want a great gift idea for your outdoor loving friends
Creator talking to the camera
Scene #3
This is the everyday UV protection sun hat from outdoors tribe and literally got one for all of my besties this year
Creator talking to the camera
- Close up shot of creator holding the product
- Flat lay shot of the product
Scene #4
It’s seriously so adorable and gets the job done
Creator talking to the camera wearing the product
Scene #5
On protecting you from the sun’s harmful UV rays with this super wide rim
Creator talking to the camera
- Close up shot of creator head wearing the hat
Scene #6
It’s even adjustable machine washable and has this ponytail slot so you can literally wear it with any style
Creator talking to the camera
- Creator showcasing the product
Scene #7
Grab one for all you friends this season now at
Creator talking to the camera
- Creator wearing the product
Scene #1
If you're a content creator and you've ever said, check out my link in bio, you should definitely check this out.
Creator talking to the camera
- A shot of creator making content
- No b-roll shot on last section
Scene #2
It's called Linktree.
Creator talking to the camera
Scene #3
And if you ever want to reference one of your other social media accounts or your own website, it's a really clean and easy way to point your followers to the other things that you do.
Creator talking to the camera showing how the link works
Scene #4
It's super simple. At the end of your video, just say and if you want to know more, the link is in my bio.
Creator talking to the camera
Scene #5
And then when followers go to your bio, it looks beautifully organized just like this, including the thing you just mentioned.
Creator talking to the camera showing his bio
- No b-roll shot on first section
- Creator showing the links
Scene #6
Maybe the best part is it's free.
Creator talking to the camera
Scene #7
So download Linktree today and give it a try.
Creator talking to the camera
Scene #8
Try Linktree pro for free today
Scene #1
If you just moved to Spain, you need to get on this money hack.
Creator talking to the camera holding phone
Scene #2
I was struggling to open a bank account because I couldn't speak any
Spanish, but I found N26 and opened my bank account in minutes.
Creator talking to the camera
- Creator holding phone
- Flat lay shot of creator using the app on phone
Scene #3
Their app and customer support work in five different languages and upgraded to get all the cool smart features for only €4.90 a month.
Creator talking to the camera
- Flat lay shot of creator using the app on phone
- Flat lay shot of creator opening the credit card package
- Flat lay shot of creator holding the credit card
Scene #4
I've saved so much money by budgeting with their spaces feature, and I love how I can get a full overview of my monthly expenses.
Creator talking to the camera
Scene #5
Save and spend in Spain with N26 and open an account now.
Creator talking to the camera holding a credit card
For at opsummere, kræver det tid og indsats at lave gode UGC-videoer, og det kan være en udfordring. Hvis du følger opskriften, der præsenteres i dette blogindlæg, vil du sandsynligvis modtage kreativt arbejde, der er af virkelig høj kvalitet.
Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Annoncerne i denne blog stammer fra Meta Ads Library og er tiltænkt at give inspiration og vise bedste praksis.