September 11th, 2024

Elizabeta Zalar

Black Friday UGC Ads 2024: Boost Sales with Top Tips & Examples

Save your customers from Black Friday Fatigue this year. As the countdown to Black Friday takes off, it’s time to put your best marketing strategies forward and pull up awesome UGC strategies that will catapult you ahead of your competition.

Today, we’ll look at how to prepare for black Friday eCommerce (and Cyber Monday), what are the best ad examples, and the crucial practices if you want to crush Q4 in 2024.

Did you know that last year, over 200 million Americans shopped during the BFCM week? This year it looks like it is going to top 2023’s $38 billion spent online.

It’s all about jaw-dropping deals, massive discounts, and a shopping frenzy. In other words, Q4 usually makes up to 30% of total annual e-commerce sales! In fact, data from Shopify reveals that holiday shopping can account for as much as 40% of an e-commerce annual revenue.

Q4 is just that important. Online traffic increases by 20-30% compared to the rest of the year, and conversion rates improve.

Why is that so? Because people like to save money; crazy offers and incredible deals help them fulfill their wishlist and stock up on holiday shopping.

Smart brands know that. That’s why they try to make the most of this period by pushing their offers out before the actual BFCM week.

Every year the frenzy starts a little earlier. In 2023, almost 30% of the shoppers said they tried to get their shopping done already in October, according to Statista. The deals continue well into December and are now a part of the holiday shopping season.

Best UGC Ads for Black Friday

Without a doubt, visual UGC is your best bet when it comes to creating UGC ads - and on top of that, UGC video has to be your first choice for BFCM UGC Ads as well.

There are 11 awesome UGC videos you should add to your advertising campaigns throughout the year, the best choices for Q4 and the holiday season are:

But you can use any UGC video to create great UGC ads - just make sure to follow the best practices below.

Recreate the best-performing Black Friday UGC video ads with our Magic Script Generator.

Why UGC Works in Paid Ads?

We already established what are UGC ads and why they’re a must for any brand or service. But in short, let’s recap why they’re a must-have for any e-commerce brand (or service):

  • Social Proof: UGC provides social proof, showing that real people are using and enjoying your products. This can increase conversions, as potential customers are more likely to trust peer recommendations more than branded ones.
  • Authenticity and Trust: UGC ads feature raw content from other people, making it more authentic and trustworthy to potential buyers than traditional branded content.
  • Engagement and Relevance: UGC increases engagement rates by showcasing genuine experiences and opinions. On platforms like Facebook and Instagram, higher engagement can lead to better ad performance and lower costs per engagement, making your Black Friday campaign more effective. In other words, UGC content is a must for industries where authenticity and trust are crucial for success, such as food supplements and cosmetics.

5 Best Examples of Black Friday UGC Ads for Meta

Here are awesome Black Friday UGC ad examples from Facebook and Instagram that you can recreate for your brand.

Black Friday UGC Example: Offer Ads

Black Friday UGC Example: Unboxing Ads

Black Friday UGC Example: Problem & Solution Ads

Black Friday UGC Example: Discovery Ads

Black Friday UGC Example: Product Description Ads

Black Friday Facebook Ads Strategies

Here’s a quick overview of the BFCM strategies for Facebook and Instagram that will help you kickstart your Q4 campaigns successfully:

  • Visual storytelling

If you want your ads to stand out, create dynamic content - videos, hooks, and other scroll-stopping materials that will capture the attention of your target audience. See best tips for high-quality ads below.

  • Prepare multiple creatives

The more creatives of an ad you create, the higher the chances for conversion. Your target audience is made up of different segments. Creating different creatives enables you to reach each segment separately. After all, what works for some customers may not work for others. That’s why multiple creatives are important (as is the A/B testing).

  • Start early

Start your BCMF campaigns as early as possible, ideally on the 1st of November, to get the most out of the profit (as sales will drop during the BFCM week).

  • Target properly

Clearly define your target persona and go into as much detail as possible so that you can set your ads - both the message and CTAs accordingly.

  • Create a sense of urgency

By creating a sense of urgency, you’ll making people take action on your ads right now. Use limited offers, countdowns, and other FOMO tactics to encourage purchasing decisions.

  • Create an offer they can’t refuse

Get creative with your offer, but consider adding at least a 20% discount if you want the offer to be profitable.

  • Continue ads into the Pre-holiday period

After the BFCM weekend, continue with with UGC ads in Meta, but change the promos with BOGO, gifting videos, Christmas packages, and other UGC videos.

  • Make sure everything works flawlessly

Test your website - make sure it’s prepared for the traffic increase, that checkouts work flawlessly, and that discount codes are set correctly. Double-check your ad creatives and make sure to schedule them enough in advance so that Meta has the time to review and approve them before you plan to go live.

What Makes High-Quality Black Friday UGC Video Ads

There’s not one single template you could use for your Black Friday UGC ads, but here are quick guidelines that should help you make each video amazing, with the purpose of converting:

  • Best UGC creator for your brand
  • Detailed, clear creator brief
  • Best-suited UGC video (offer, unboxing, …)
  • Multiple ad creatives (eg: multiple videos to target all audience segments)
  • Powerful hook right at the start
  • A killer UGC script that speaks directly to your target audience
  • Easy-to-use UGC Video Editor to edit videos in a few clicks
  • Clear CTAs
  • Irresistible deals and offers
  • Consistent branding
  • High-video quality

In short, double down on the ad spend on Meta paid campaigns, increase the number of your creatives (increased chances of conversion), and invest in your ads during a period where your offer would not be competitive at all in comparison to other deals.


How do I get UGC ads?

Create a detailed creator brief, select the best creators for your brand, and have them create multiple UGC videos. Use the videos to create multiple UGC ads and then run tests to see which one performs best.

Start by booking a demo here.

What is a BFCM campaign?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday a great opportunities for eCom stores to drive sales, get new customers, and ed up Q4 with a bang.

Disclaimer: The ads in this blog are sourced from Meta Ads Library and are intended for inspiration and showcasing best practices.

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